Annual rights are regulated by Ministerial Decree No. 359 of 11 May 2001, "Regulations regarding the assessment, collection and liquidation of rights" and Decree No. 54 of 27 January 2005, "Regulations relating to application of administrative fines for late or missing payment of the rights due".
Pending reorganisation of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Craft and Agriculture system, determination of the annual rights payable by businesses takes into account the provisions of article 28 of Decree Law No 90/2014, converted with modifications into Law No. 114/2014; this article establishes the reduction in annual rights paid by businesses to the CCIAA:
The amount due is determined taking into consideration the Decrees by the Ministry for Economic Development signed on 22 May 2017 published in G.U. n.149 of 28-6-2017 and with subsequent decree 02 March 2018 published in G.U. n. 92 of 20/04/2018, which implements the provisions under article 18, paragraph 10, of Law No. 580/93, as modified by Legislative Decree No. 219/2016. As a result of those decrees the methods used to determine the annual rights also take into account the additional quota, destined to fund strategic projects, to be applied to the measures foreseen by article 28, paragraph 1, of Decree Law No. 90 dated 24 June 2014, converted with modifications into Law No. 114 dated 11 August 2014.
If you want to consult all the Annual Rights regulations, click here